3. Animal Prints - There's something about an animal print that can throw your swag on extra high and make you feel ferocious as you slink around town. Armed with my zebra print dress and sexy black, leather booties I feel on top of my style game today...and my neon nail polish adds the right pop of color!
4. Dangling Earrings - I've been hooked on these dangling earrings I found at Forever21. They used to be the place to go for cute earrings but slowly fell off. They still aren't back at the top, but I must give them props for supplying me with my latest find.
5. More job duties at work - In this economy I'm all about getting more work loaded on me. It gives me the sense of job security which is hard to come across nowadays. All in all, I'd rather be insanely busy as opposed to twiddling my thumbs.
6. Non-Existent happy hours in Chicago - Is the entire city anti-drink specials? Arizona spoiled me...no wonder one of my co-workers calls it the "Happy Hour capital of the country" lol....
7. MAC makeup makes my insides light up! I really would love to work there part time. Their concealer, eyeliner, lipstick, foundation...everything shines a bright light on my life! I may have to devote an entire post to the products I love!!!

9. Whatever happened to collages? I used to love sprawling out on the floor with tons of magazines, a pair of scissors, glue, and a large piece of construction paper. Maybe I'll have a throwback day and make another collage...tho nowadays it'd be more of a vision board...speaking of which, everyone should have a vision board. I currently have the following on my vision board:
- PAWS Chicago marathon (I'm determined to run a half marathon this year)
- Awesome picture of Blake Lively (Serena from Gossip Girl) staring out the window of her swank NY loft...tons of shoes in the foreground!!! This is definitely where I'd love to be
- Dominican Republic pic. This is at the top of my list of island destinations.
- Bacon - One of my favorite foods. I don't understand how people can not eat this. It's so delicious.
- Bomb ass wedding dress by Vwindon. Though I'm not itching to get married, this dress is absolutely gorgeous and remidns me to stay focused on the future.
10. I like to keep track of random words that I like. This week it's vehemently, incessant, ensue, and foolery.
11. My love/hate relationship with sprint voicemail. For the most part I hate when people call and leave voicemails. On the contrary, I also hate when people call and refuse to leave a message, nor will they follow-up the call with a text, and it's actually important. If you're calling and it's important leave a message. If you call and leave no message and don't send a text, I'll assume you were just killing some time and wanted nothing.
12. What would the world be like if people could actually bring themselves to say what they felt, like they do on Secret Tweet? It's as if everyone has sent their representatives out to conquer the world for them on a daily basis and left the real them chilling at home.
13. I think I've graduated from Forever21 and now moved up to H&M.
14. Dress codes for work - My company is very laid-back and casual. This week I've been getting dolled up for work pretty much to make myself feel fly... but I'm starting to realize that maybe my transition from office to nighttime shouldn't be so effortless...lol... my boss may be getting tired of seeing my boobs.

16. Am I the only one that takes my Blackberry into the bathroom with me? Is this a bad habit? Normal? I feel like my phone is another part of my body... it goes everywhere I do.