Oct 28, 2019

Netflix Rhythm + Flow Finale, Why We'll Never Go To Another Nightclub in Seattle, and How Mike is Using His FitBit Data To Learn Tableau (Season 2 Episode 2)

On this week's episode... the winner of the Netflix hit show, Rhythm + Flow, was crowned and we have a lot of thoughts, we explain why we were in line for over an hour (for a club in Seattle) and how we'll never go to another nightclub again, how Mike made it to 30yo without knowing what bottle service was, and how he's using his FitBit data to learn Tableau PLUS our very first listener question!

Rhythm + Flow Aftershow

Oct 21, 2019

New jobs, Netflix's Rhythm + Flow Predictions, and How Succession on HBO Healed Mike's Motion Sickness (Season 2 Episode 1)

We're back!!! Mike and I took the summer off to get new jobs and enjoy our lives... but Fall is here, the weather is already turning for the worst in Seattle, so we're back recording our little podcast and binge-watching TV! On this week's episode we catch you up on our recent career changes, the top 3 series we're binge-watching, predictions for Netflix's Rhythm + Flow (the finale is Wed) and how Succession on HBO really did heal Mike's motion sickness!

As always, be sure to like and subscribe... and thanks for listening!

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