Why? Why didn't anyone warn me that once I got into my my 30s I'd need to mentally prepare for random hairs to sprout across my body! What in the entire hell, y'all! Like, I legit have been in low-key denial about this random hair that started appearing on my chest. I don't even remember when it first appeared, but a a few weeks ago (read: back in August when I first wrote this post and forgot to hit 'publish') I realized that 1) this hair was here to stay and 2) I wanted to research options for evicting it from my life.
In the age of Instagram I knew that options were only a few swipes away... what I didn't know was that laser hair removal is EXPENSIVE! Like, you need to secure a whole bag before you start seriously considering laser hair removal. It's definitely an investment. I also quickly was informed by those who have gotten the procedure done themselves that you don't need to lose sleep over 1 or even 5 hairs... but instead wait for a considerable amount of hair to exist to warrant the cost and multiple procedures needed to remove them.
So, for the time being I'll continue tweeze the hair whenever it rears itself, be annoyed that it's growing in the first place, and thankful more haven't seen the bat signal.
Sound Off: Have you experienced this? If so, where does your wild hair grow and how do you deal with it?
Dec 4, 2018
Nov 26, 2018
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiancé" - Season 6 Episodes 5 & 6
Is it possible for an episode to be both late and early? Well, yes! Last week we took some time off to be lazy and enjoy the holiday and didn't record (or watch) 90 Day Fiancé ... then did a marathon last night watching 2 episodes back-to-back!
We also used all of our learnings from our recap of episode 4 (#NeverForget) and cranked out a recap that was much shorter, higher energy, minimal tangents... just an all-around improvement.
Mike has preferred to keep some mystery around whether the couples are together or not in real life, but my twitter fingers have been busy (well, mainly on IG) and I know the tea on a few rumors:
1) Larissa has 3 kids back in Brazil
2) Leida and Eric were already married (in Indonesia) prior to filming
3) Larissa and Colt were the only couple that didn't film the reunion tell-all
So, what did you think of last night's episode? Who do you love? Who are you over?
We forgot to include our favs this week - but I'm rooting for Larissa to get a "biggie" car that has air conditioning and hoping Asuelu gets airfare $ to pack up his shit and go back to Samoa because Kalani is miserable and annoying af.
We also used all of our learnings from our recap of episode 4 (#NeverForget) and cranked out a recap that was much shorter, higher energy, minimal tangents... just an all-around improvement.
Mike has preferred to keep some mystery around whether the couples are together or not in real life, but my twitter fingers have been busy (well, mainly on IG) and I know the tea on a few rumors:
1) Larissa has 3 kids back in Brazil
2) Leida and Eric were already married (in Indonesia) prior to filming
3) Larissa and Colt were the only couple that didn't film the reunion tell-all
So, what did you think of last night's episode? Who do you love? Who are you over?
We forgot to include our favs this week - but I'm rooting for Larissa to get a "biggie" car that has air conditioning and hoping Asuelu gets airfare $ to pack up his shit and go back to Samoa because Kalani is miserable and annoying af.
Nov 17, 2018
"Revive or Archive" now on PeopleTV!!!
I'm a little late announcing it here on my blog, but the web series I host for Allrecipes (Revive or Archive) launched on People.com's PeopleTV App and Website last month! For the month of October it was the 14th most searched show, and even came in 8th place on weekends.
The series page isn't live yet on the site or app, but you can find episodes under the "People TV Specials" and by searching "Revive or Archive" within the app.

Nov 14, 2018
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiance" - Season 6 Episode 4
This episode of the podcast is called "Do better next time..."
Everyone says when you start podcasting there is no way around some of the tough lessons you'll have to learn. There's no way around having some of your first episodes low-key sucking or being high-key trash. Well, it finally happened to us. Our low energy + talking too slow... and too long... made for a not so great episode. Ugh. It's so annoying. I could barely listen to the full episode, but Mike made me. After both of saying "yikes" and cringing lol, considering it a lesson learned! If you can make it through the episode, bless your heart. Start at the 6:10 mark.
Major takeaways:
1) Keep the episodes a LOT shorter. We'll only spend 2 mins TOPS on each couple
2) Only record if we have high energy. Nobody wants to hear us sound like we're running underwater.
3) Don't get lost down a tangent. Make sure there's a point to whatever we're saying because those long ass stories that lead nowhere and add nothing are for the birds.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Everyone says when you start podcasting there is no way around some of the tough lessons you'll have to learn. There's no way around having some of your first episodes low-key sucking or being high-key trash. Well, it finally happened to us. Our low energy + talking too slow... and too long... made for a not so great episode. Ugh. It's so annoying. I could barely listen to the full episode, but Mike made me. After both of saying "yikes" and cringing lol, considering it a lesson learned! If you can make it through the episode, bless your heart. Start at the 6:10 mark.
Major takeaways:
1) Keep the episodes a LOT shorter. We'll only spend 2 mins TOPS on each couple
2) Only record if we have high energy. Nobody wants to hear us sound like we're running underwater.
3) Don't get lost down a tangent. Make sure there's a point to whatever we're saying because those long ass stories that lead nowhere and add nothing are for the birds.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiance" - Season 6 Episode 3
Another week, another episode of TLC's 90 Day Fiance! This week I was shocked to be #TeamLarissa, bu alas here we are. I don't think I would've wanted to eat Colt's mom's stew either lol...
Who were your favs this week?
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Nov 2, 2018
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiance" - Season 6 Episode 2
This week's episode recap is super late, but finally LIVE! For anyone else who watches the show OnDemand or Live, HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR SANITY WITH ALL OF THE COMMERCIALS?!?!?! No, seriously. This is a real question. The constant commercial breaks are killing me slowly. Mike and I have decided to either pirate episodes (Sorry TLC) OR turn the commercial breaks into a game where we do squats, planks, crunches, etc... anything to make it more productive and bearable.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Oct 24, 2018
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiance" - Season 6 Episode 1 (Part 2)
Mike and I finished watching part 2 of Episode 1 and are blessing the internet with our thoughts! We received some great feedback from my bae and work wife (Hey Shavonne!) saying that we needed to "stop referencing our notes and just say the thing" lol... so we're doing that. Take a listen and let me know what you thought about the episode.
Random, but why in the world is TLC making everyone die a slow death with ALL of the commercials?!?! I mean, damn. Maybe I've been spoiled by paying for ad-free experiences on Hulu and Spotify, but being forced to stream episodes on the TLC app (which are damn near 1/3 commercials) has been taxing. Also... I understand that I'm streaming episodes using someone else's login, so the fact I'm complaining about anything is already a joke. Still, I hate all of the commercials.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.
Random, but why in the world is TLC making everyone die a slow death with ALL of the commercials?!?! I mean, damn. Maybe I've been spoiled by paying for ad-free experiences on Hulu and Spotify, but being forced to stream episodes on the TLC app (which are damn near 1/3 commercials) has been taxing. Also... I understand that I'm streaming episodes using someone else's login, so the fact I'm complaining about anything is already a joke. Still, I hate all of the commercials.
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here.

Oct 23, 2018
Recap: TLC's "90 Day Fiance" - Season 6 Episode 1 (Part 1)
I somehow convinced my fiancé Mike to not only watch the new season of TLC's #90DayFiance with me... but also podcast about the show each week! This is a big deal for 2 reasons: 1) I absolutely LOVE reality TV and became obsessed with Season 5 of #90DayFiance after a girlfriend (Hey Brit!) put me on... and 2) Mike absolutely HATES reality TV and most things about pop culture... but he loves me, so we're watching and dishing on each episode.
This is a guilty pleasure for many people, so please listen to our recap of Season 6 Episode 1 (Part 1) and let me know which couples you love, loathe and who you think is about to get scammed Joanne style!
Disclaimer: I don't know what this will turn into, but am happy to be creating something with my favorite person. We're keeping things easy and fun, so please forgive any inklings that scream out "low budget" lol... our little podcast is a work in progress, so leave any feedback because things will only get better!
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here
This is a guilty pleasure for many people, so please listen to our recap of Season 6 Episode 1 (Part 1) and let me know which couples you love, loathe and who you think is about to get scammed Joanne style!
Disclaimer: I don't know what this will turn into, but am happy to be creating something with my favorite person. We're keeping things easy and fun, so please forgive any inklings that scream out "low budget" lol... our little podcast is a work in progress, so leave any feedback because things will only get better!
Watch episodes on TLC by clicking here
Jun 16, 2018
May 8, 2018
Allrecipes FB Live: Ocean Spray #GrapefruitGourmet
It's always a pleasure when I get to be on-camera talent for work, and last month I hosted the Allrecipes Facebook Live presented by Ocean Spray. I was joined by the lovely Ashley Rodriguez from the blog Not Without Salt, and together we cooked up a bunch of tasty things for spring parties! The star of the show was the winning Ocean Spray #GrapefruitGourmet recipe -- Cranberry Grapefruit Cheese Tarts with Zesty Thyme and Peppercorn Sprinkles. Bomb! We also made some delicious party mix, sangria and spicy margaritas!
Apr 4, 2018
Revive or Archive!
A show from Allrecipes.com
Original Post 4/4/18:
It's an amazing feeling to finally be able to share what I've been working on the past few weeks -- I'm hosting a new web series for Allrecipes.com called Revive or Archive! Yes, y'all...your girl has an official, official on-camera gig! New episodes air every Thursday on the YouTube channel. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Jan 25, 2018
Thick Neck Thursday:
Jason Momoa is still Bae
Back in 2012 I wrote about Jason Momoa snatching all of our edges (and panties... and let's be honest, drawls too) when he starred in Game of Thrones as Khal Drogo. Fast forward to 2018 and the uber hunk is making the late night circuit to promote some upcoming projects (Aquaman, Justice League), but let's be honest... do we really need a reason to stare at this fine human? I'd watch him open up mail... or make toast... or silently read a book. His wife (Lisa Bonet) is one lucky woman because he's literally everything (and he scored as well because she was everyone's dream girl since The Cosby Show in the 80s and A Different World).
Anyways, I haven't done a Thick Neck Thursday in forever and was once again inspired when I saw him on Jimmy Fallon. I mean, anyone who can look fine af in tattered rags (which are probably designer pieces) gets a HELL YES from me.
Jan 24, 2018
Sensory Deprivation Tanks:
Sunken Place or Nah?
Have you ever tried a sensory deprivation tank? Back in January bae and I tried sensory deprivation tanks at Urban Float in Seattle (Cap Hill location). It's kinda funny to think back on it, but I had to work up the nerve to float in tank without the lights on -- like, to be in my 30s and still afraid of the dark! Ha... it's hilarious, but I'm proud to say I enjoyed my first experience and got through it with minimal light and sound. Definitely something worth trying.
Jan 12, 2018
I won tickets to 'The Last Jedi'
via @theevergrey & @pacsci
I'm a firm believer in a closed mouth not getting fed, so I carry that same spirit into the world of IG and enter every single contest or giveaway of interest. I feel like I've been vibrating at a higher energy level because I've been winning a TON of stuff lately.
Seattle-based events newsletter (The Evergrey), hosted an IG contest giving away 2 tickets to see "The Last Jedi" at the Pacific Science Center. I actually saw "The Force Awakens" at PacSci back in 2015, so I was excited to see I'd been chosen as a winner to watch the latest installment.
Before everyone moves on to the highly anticipated "Black Panther" premier next month, if you still wanna checkout "The Last Jedi" I'd highly recommend going to the Pacific Science Center and seeing it in IMAX.
~ The sound is amazing!!!! They did a bunch of upgrades to their sound a few years ago and everything sounds next level.
~ The Pacific Science Center reinvests money spent on ticket sales back into their STEM programs!
~ Reasonably priced snacks (cheaper than other theaters)
~ No assigned seating, so if you're watching a movie (especially in 3D), you'll want to get there SUPER early so you can sang a good spot. They typically open the line up a few hours before the movie time, so you can bring your friends, a snack and a game and wait inside. It's not the worst thing ever... I usually make sure my phone is charged, I have a snack and make the most of it.
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