Is it possible for an episode to be both late and early? Well, yes! Last week we took some time off to be lazy and enjoy the holiday and didn't record (or watch) 90 Day Fiancé ... then did a marathon last night watching 2 episodes back-to-back!
We also used all of our learnings from our recap of episode 4 (#NeverForget) and cranked out a recap that was much shorter, higher energy, minimal tangents... just an all-around improvement.
Mike has preferred to keep some mystery around whether the couples are together or not in real life, but my twitter fingers have been busy (well, mainly on IG) and I know the tea on a few rumors:
1) Larissa has 3 kids back in Brazil
2) Leida and Eric were already married (in Indonesia) prior to filming
3) Larissa and Colt were the only couple that didn't film the reunion tell-all
So, what did you think of last night's episode? Who do you love? Who are you over?
We forgot to include our favs this week - but I'm rooting for Larissa to get a "biggie" car that has air conditioning and hoping Asuelu gets airfare $ to pack up his shit and go back to Samoa because Kalani is miserable and annoying af.