I don't know if this guy is a thick neck because... well, I can't really see his neck lol. But I can see a luxurious beard and admirable stache that features a little curl on the end. Way to add some flavor to your situation, bearded guy.
On top of his glorious mane that is doing #BeardGang proud, I'm of course obsessed with his hat since I have one that's very similar which I rock daily.
If you're somewhere in the country trying to stay warm, hopefully this bearded wonder can give you some warmth! Nothing like a cute guy with boyish looks and a grown man beard to make a girl smile!
Happy Friday... and #GoHawks lol
Jan 30, 2014
Jan 27, 2014
Tights with Shorts... in the Winter?
Moving to Seattle has once again afforded me the opportunity to experience a mild winter, although nothing like Arizona. Still, with temps averaging in the 40s and lower 50s, I have zero complaints and have embraced the ability to ditch winter jackets and snow boots.
With that said, I feel like rocking shorts with tights isn't some brand new concept. I'm not killing hoes with my fashion game or dropping all types of insane winter wear knowledge. I came into work today and a co-worker pointed out to me that I was the "perfect walking contradiction" wearing shorts and a faux fur hat in the winter.
Mind you, it's about 40 degrees outside. O mph wind. The high for today is 48. I'm trying to paint a picture lol...
I'm still dealing with PMS and a fuck deficiency, so I told her that me rocking shorts with tights was no different than someone that put on a skirt or dress with tights. Our legs are still exposed to the same degree. She thought about it for a second and was like, "I guess you're right..." umm.. yeah, I know lol.
Tights with Shorts |
Tights with Shorts |
What am I supposed to wear? Long johns and a thermal? Oh, Seattle lol...
Anyways, do you rock anything that contradicts the season you're in?
Who is Richie Havens?
One of the gems I received while watching the Grammys last night was discovering Richie Havens. I heard a snippet of him singing during the "in memoriam" and was instantly hooked. We did a quick search to figure out the song he was singing and were blown away by the live performance!
Y'all... music just isn't what it used to be! You can feel the emotion oozing out of his soul! So passionate and full of life. Man, this song is just so awesome.. makes me wish I was around during Woodstock to experience all of that talent live.
Y'all... music just isn't what it used to be! You can feel the emotion oozing out of his soul! So passionate and full of life. Man, this song is just so awesome.. makes me wish I was around during Woodstock to experience all of that talent live.
Jan 23, 2014
King of the Beards #4EverBeardSeason
I've grown tired of Thick Necks each Thursday as evidenced by my lack of updated posts. I mean, how many times can I post The Rock? lol... but BEARDS? Yes... I can easily find men of all shapes and sizes that are about that #4EverBeardSeason life.
There's something so amazingly wondrous about a man that can not only grow a beard, but rock a luxurious one. I love thick necks... but I swoon for men that rep #BeardGang.
Starting things off I'm featuring the owner of the best beard in all of the land, my boyfriend. His beard looks as if it's been dipped in the finest of juices and berries... bathed in milk and honey... then topped off with a dusting of cinnamon delight! The force is strong in those auburn strands and I'm its biggest fan.
When we first started dating I remember putting him on to Whipped Good's "Beard Butter" (a must have for anyone with a beard) and between that and olive oil, his beard entered the legion of the greats. He consistently gets complimented on his beard and asked for tips on how he's made it so great. The answer? Beard Butter and Olive Oil...and a dash of jedi magic!
Welcome to my world where it's always #BeardSeason.
Jan 22, 2014
Lesson 10: Every Saint Has a Past

As I've gotten older, I've found myself having to answer for decisions I made 10 years ago, and no joke... it took a lot of work to really embrace who I was back then and not feel embarrassment or shame with choices I made.
Everyone has moments that aren't shining examples of how amazing of a person they were... but remember that everything you've been through has made you the wonderfully flawed, unique, awesome person you are today!
You can't pick and choose what happened in the past. You can't change your past. You CAN, however, take all of those experiences and roll it into amazing forward movement towards the future. Lessons will always be learned. When you know better you do better... but don't ever be ashamed of where you've come from, what you've came THROUGH ... and know that who you were back then is not who you ARE today!
Jan 21, 2014
When in Rome...
When I found out the Seattle Seahawks were hosting a "Blue Friday Rally" by my job on Friday, I let the spirit overcome me and grabbed a t-shirt to show my support. This "Beast Mode" shirt was the last one available at Target (other than a men's XXL shirt), so I paid my $12 and left with a smile. Small investment to show some new team spirit. Mind you I didn't know who the guy was on my shirt, or that it was a play on the Starbucks logo, but I felt festive and that was enough.
Having moved so many times over the years I've learned to adopt a "when in Rome..." type of attitude. Now that we're in Seattle, I'm supporting the Seahawks and their shot at winning the Super Bowl. Someone mentioned online how ironic it was that the two teams going to the Super Bowl were both states that legalized marijuana... and thus were having a "bowl" game lol. Plus, I've already seen invites to "Toke 'n Bowl" parties... actually a rather clever idea.
I'm a Chicago girl and still a fan of the Chicago Bears, but by no means have I ever been a super fan. I've been to maybe 1 game.. and while it was fun, I'd definitely prefer to watch from the comfort of my couch or at a bar. Also, my high school colors were blue and orange, so I think the Bears always had a fond spot in my heart because it was more of the same lol.
Anyways, this city goes hard for the Seahawks. Even the dog groomer (Downtown Dog Lounge) made sure Khaleesi was decked out in the finest of blue and green! Selfishly I'm excited to live in a city with a sport's team that's hot shit right now. I already have plans to get a Sherman jersey, and am happy that for a moment my friends in other cities don't think I'm living in a completely wack place. Yes, a bit basic... but it still makes me smile.
So, who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl? Seahawks or the Broncos?
Having moved so many times over the years I've learned to adopt a "when in Rome..." type of attitude. Now that we're in Seattle, I'm supporting the Seahawks and their shot at winning the Super Bowl. Someone mentioned online how ironic it was that the two teams going to the Super Bowl were both states that legalized marijuana... and thus were having a "bowl" game lol. Plus, I've already seen invites to "Toke 'n Bowl" parties... actually a rather clever idea.
Anyways, this city goes hard for the Seahawks. Even the dog groomer (Downtown Dog Lounge) made sure Khaleesi was decked out in the finest of blue and green! Selfishly I'm excited to live in a city with a sport's team that's hot shit right now. I already have plans to get a Sherman jersey, and am happy that for a moment my friends in other cities don't think I'm living in a completely wack place. Yes, a bit basic... but it still makes me smile.
So, who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl? Seahawks or the Broncos?
Jan 17, 2014
Waiting for my hair to grow back...
On top of that, now my curly hair when stretched is about the length my shrunken hair was before! lol... the horror. In the meantime, I'm focusing on length retention, a new proactive trim schedule of every 2-3 months, and being more conscientious of how I handle/manipulate my strands.
I'm being a little dramatic because of the initial shock of it all, but after looking at old blog posts over the years I've made a habit of ignoring trims and then clutching my pearls as I wall slide whenever I need to
So, I was on Pinterest the other night looking for hair inspiration and came across this stunning picture of Yaya. Her hair in this shot is the stuff my curly dreams are made of! It's beyond amazeballs. What's even better? I feel like this is what my hair has the potential to grow into once I get the length back (and then some). It's fluffy, curly, and full. Not overly defined, looks soft and magical. Like it's home to heaven-like dreams.
Jan 15, 2014
Lesson 9: There's always time for a workout

I originally posted this last night for my fitness group on Facebook, but wanted to share it here too
Workout 1 for the week!
Let me give my testimony:
I walked home from work today which was great, but I was craving a crunch bar. I told myself I'd grab one from the 7 Eleven I pass each day. Of course I go in there and that's the ONLY candy bar they don't have. (blank stare) so I grabbed some jerky. Then as I'm sitting here debating whether to watch Being Mary Jane or workout, I realized I can try to do it all. I speed through Being Mary Jane (thanks to my DVR) and order take-out. They say it'll be ready in 15 mins... so I'm sitting there like damn... I don't have enough time to workout (lies the devil will tell you lol)... anyways, after sitting at my laptop for about 5 mins looking at Pinterest, I remember my goal of getting in 2 workouts by Wednesday each week. I tell myself I can make tmrw a 2-a-day. I realize that'll probably not happen... So, I start putting on my workout clothes as I'm talking myself out of working out because "it's not enough time..." Fast forward to now... went to the gym and did about 15 mins of speed intervals (great way to get your heart rate up), watched Being Mary Jane, ordered and picked up my take out, AND found my new hair crush on Pinterest. Y'all the DEVIL IS A LIE! I rebuke all of the demons surrounding your workout plans this week lol.
Jan 14, 2014
Gold all in my Dress (via @LorenaSarbu)
When I saw this Lorena Sarbu dress posted on Fashion Bomb Daily my eyes instantly turned into the emoji with hearts.
This is the manifestation of what my inner life force is draped in! It's breathtakingly gorgeous and something I'd dream of wearing at a wedding reception. To be honest, I could even adjust the bottom part of the dress and wear this as a wedding dress. It's non-traditional and speaks to my soul! I mean, what's more gorgeous than being draped in gold!
Photo Source: Fashion Bomb Daily
Jan 13, 2014
I Cut My Hair (video)
While I'm not one to hang onto damaged ends for the sake of having some length, I will admit that it's hard to pull the trigger and cut my hair. Mainly because I rock my hair curly 90% of the time, and even an inch shorter straight is 2 inches of length curly. (insert dramatic sigh)
One of my hair goals for the year is to be more proactive about length retention. Thus, I'm going to get consistent trims (instead of every 4 months, I'll shoot for every 2-3 months), incorporate a few more protective styles (braids, twists, weaves), and do my best to leave the at-home heat alone.
Vasuda Salon
2201 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121
** If you'd like to make an appointment with Linda (level 2 stylist) click here. To make an appointment with Erica (level 2 stylist who did my Brazilian Blowout) click here. **
Jan 12, 2014
Lesson 8: God WILL give you more than you can handle
You can click here to read the full post, but the following quote is what stood out to me the most:
I wanted to know where that phrase was that people kept repeating to me in church and at work and over the phone. Why did the Lord “trust me so much”?! Why did He think I could handle these kinds of trials?
And then I realized: I couldn’t find that quote because it isn’t there.
It never mentions anywhere in the scriptures that the Lord won’t give you more than you can handle. Yes, in 1 Corinthians 10:13 it speaks of Him giving us an escape from temptations so that it’s not too much to bear. But when it comes to pain, trials, heartache, and burdens– not once does it say it won’t be more than we can bear. Instead, it beautifully says this instead:
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me…for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11: 28-30)
Trials, tribulations, hardships, challenges, sorrow, stress... all of the stuff that can drive you up a wall and make you want to pull out your hair WILL come your way. The key thing to remember is that you are never alone in your struggle and you can always find solitude in the Lord.
Also keep in mind that you never know what someone is going through... even your close friends and family. Sharing something as small as a smile, hug, or an "I love you" can turn someone's day and life around.
Jan 9, 2014
Lesson 7: Just Do It
I had no intentions of scrapping this blog... it's been my eBaby since 2008, but in 2014 I wanted to branch out a bit. So, last night I went live with my new blog, Eat.Pray.F-ck.!!
Okay... so the name. Yes, it's a bit extra and to be honest I went back and forth on whether or not it was a good choice. Something about it made me cringe and smile, all at once. I hope I don't lose people because it comes off as a little "in your face" and potentially ratchet because at the heart of everything I want to cultivate an online destination that nurtures candid conversations on relationships, sex & love.
I have no intention of sitting on a golden throne handing out relationship advice like I'm above it all. In fact, I feel like I've experienced so many highs, lows, amazing and crazy things... I was just sitting around thinking, "what the hell do I do with all of this experience?" So, Eat.Pray.F-ck. is my outlet to create the type of relationship blog I, myself, would like to read.
My girlfriend asked if I would wait to see what type of content my readers wanted and I laughed... "I have no readers," I responded, and it's true... I'm currently the only person following the blog and you know what? There's something insanely exciting and freeing about playing to an empty room.
Anyways, as cliche as it sounds, I decided to "just do it" and take a leap of faith! I'm excited to share something so personal to me with everyone. Feel free to take a look, follow it if you fancy, or share it with someone you think might enjoy.
Twitter: @EatPrayFck
Blog: EatPrayF-ck.Blogspot.com
Jan 8, 2014
Lesson 6: What you allow is what will continue
So often we are able to identify things (situations/people/etc) that we are unhappy with and no longer want in our lives. We might even put together a plan for getting to the destination we'd like, but executing things can be hard.
We psych ourselves out, give someone another chance, stay in the job/relationship/situation we don't like because it seems easier... there are a plethora of reasons why people fail to change, but I think we should focus on one thing: What you allow is what will continue.
A year ago I blogged about taking accountability for the current state of things in our lives, and putting in the work to proactively prioritize and achieve happiness. As we start a new year, I wanted to share this advice again.