Mexico 2012 |
It can seem overwhelming when you're paying bills, everyday expenses, etc... but have you ever truly looked at what you're spending your money on each month? And not your bills... but the random spending you can do on a daily basis. It's almost like if things are under $20, we can throw the money away... but it all adds up.
In the past my goal was to always save for vacations, and while I still believe investing in experiences trumps "stuff" any day of the week, I'm setting my sights on something bigger in 2014. This year I'll have my most aggressive savings goal to date, and my hope is that I can not only take some dope vacations, but more importantly keep a certain amount in my account... overall, proving to myself that I really am capable of having the discipline needed to aggressively save. It's so easy to fool yourself into think you don't make enough money to save. Hell, people say they don't make enough money to eat healthier foods... but when is the last time you put real effort into saving money?
I know we all have different circumstances and financial challenges, however, I believe that gainfully employed adults should be capable of saving money. My cousin recently shared a "52 Week Money Challenge" and I wanted to share with everyone. It doesn't require more than $52 to ever be contributed in a week and is a great way to get your feet wet with savings. Consider this Saving Money 101. The chart is self-explanatory, but if followed throughout the year, you'd have saved $1,378! For anyone that's never saved, the idea of having 1378 at the end of the year is very exciting. You could easily treat yourself to a nice vacation (my first option... invest in experiences) or use the money to invest in your own business, etc... the options are endless! If you're feeling a bit more aggressive you can take this model and double the deposit amount up each week.