In preparation of tomorrow's Superbowl 49, I wanted to share a wonderful look back at home the Seahawks landed another shot at attending. Regardless of which team you route for, this video is inspiring and fun to watch. Go Hawks! Hoping to see my new city win another championship. Last year was a lot of fun.
Jan 30, 2015
Jan 25, 2015
R&B Singer Mya Takes Main Stage at Strip Club. Folks Are Mad.
R&B singer Mya made waves this weekend when she performed at G5ive Lounge, a strip club in Miami. So, why does everyone seem to have found spare fucks to give the old, R&B diva? Well, a snippet of her "performance" (which I'm using the term loosely), featured Mya dropping, grinding, popping, twirling... basically just working the stage and it made me cringe.
Yes, Mya is 35, still looks gorgeous, and is doing what she needs to do to make coins. I mean, if folks are still paying to see her perform does the location matter! Absolutely.
I wanted to watch her performance without judgment and just see an entertainer still excited to perform... however, I felt like she was cheapening herself. I cringed as she rolled around on stage, tossing her hair, while another naked dancer held the pole next to her.
Having your career reduced to strip club performances is one thing, but Mya was basically playing the equivalent of "3 pumps" with the pole. She simply needed a wardrobe malfunction or gust of wind to give the strippers some real competition.
I asked myself if Rihanna had done the same thing would anyone care? Would anyone judge? Hmmm... probably not. Rihanna has made a career of shenanigans and fuckery and for some reason I just expected a bit more from Mya. She always had a regal heir to her... but I guess that got left in the late 90s/early 2000s. #KanyeShrug
Yes, Mya is 35, still looks gorgeous, and is doing what she needs to do to make coins. I mean, if folks are still paying to see her perform does the location matter! Absolutely.
I wanted to watch her performance without judgment and just see an entertainer still excited to perform... however, I felt like she was cheapening herself. I cringed as she rolled around on stage, tossing her hair, while another naked dancer held the pole next to her.
Having your career reduced to strip club performances is one thing, but Mya was basically playing the equivalent of "3 pumps" with the pole. She simply needed a wardrobe malfunction or gust of wind to give the strippers some real competition.
I asked myself if Rihanna had done the same thing would anyone care? Would anyone judge? Hmmm... probably not. Rihanna has made a career of shenanigans and fuckery and for some reason I just expected a bit more from Mya. She always had a regal heir to her... but I guess that got left in the late 90s/early 2000s. #KanyeShrug
A video posted by DESTINED FOR GREATNESS (@flylifestyl3) on
Jan 20, 2015
The Art of Doing Nothing
When is the last time you did nothing? Like truly spent an entire weekend basking in the beauty of having no real plans? This past weekend I took the opportunity to become one with my head wrap (i.e. not do my hair), cuddle up with my dog, and chill the fuck out. I luxuriated in the joy of multiple daytime naps, tacos and pizza, took entirely too many selfies, cheered on the Seahawks, ate a bag of cookies, even more naps! It was a thing of beauty.
I should note that I did get in 2 great workouts because even though I was on chill mode, my workout schedule has become a part of my life rain or shine (peep the calories burned in my pics), but even working up a sweat was followed by a smoothie and chill session.
I'm a busy body and usually loathe standing still. My BF often asks me why I can never "just be" and it's something I struggle with. I like to be moving around, talking, shaking, dancing... being busy. This long weekend allowed me the opportunity to press pause and not really do anything... and it was nice. The best part of my weekend was ending things ending grits, drinking wine and listening to classic Sade on vinyl. A great weekend indeed.
Jan 18, 2015
Awkward Black Girl @IssaRae coming to Seattle 2/12
I'm always excited to have events come to the city, especially those featuring successful and innovative black women.
On Thursday, February 12th, Issa Rae will take the stage at the OMA&D Ethnic Cultural Center to discuss her new book, "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl" with a Q&A following after. Whether you're a fan of her work, excited about her book, or just want to meet her in person and maybe snag a picture, I'd suggest adding your name to the waitlist for what's sure to be a fun evening.

On Thursday, February 12th, Issa Rae will take the stage at the OMA&D Ethnic Cultural Center to discuss her new book, "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl" with a Q&A following after. Whether you're a fan of her work, excited about her book, or just want to meet her in person and maybe snag a picture, I'd suggest adding your name to the waitlist for what's sure to be a fun evening.
Jan 14, 2015
Nate Jackson's Super Funny Comedy Show in Tacoma, WA (@MrNateJackson)
Tommy Davidson |
Last weekend I got to cash in on those free tickets and take a trip down memory lane. I hadn't kept up to date with Davidson since his 'In Living Color' days, but he took the stage and gave a funny show.
Nate Jackson |
I'm always on the hunt for cool things to do in Seattle, and Tacoma is only a 30-45 mins drive (depending on traffic) from Seattle. If the show is anything like Nate's performance I saw last weekend it'll be worth the drive.
In an effort to help keep everyone's social life thriving, especially transplants who move to Seattle and have no clue what is going on and where to go, I wanted to share this new gem with the blog.
Tickets are only $15 and can be purchased here.
Sidebar: There are 2 locations for Keys on Main - - one in Seattle and another in Tacoma. Please note that this event will be held at the Tacoma location
Jan 13, 2015
Go see Selma (@SelmaMovie)
This past weekend I went to see Selma and y'all... it was definitely a must-see film. This movie reached deep down and touched my soul, my inner desire for humanity and ... I mean, just taking time to process that this film was based on history... and not some history that happened a million years ago. There are people still alive who experienced this stuff first hand and it blows my mind.
We've come far, but have not really made much progress. I feel like racism in the US has just evolved. Hate and discrimination are still widespread. Human life is still not all valued the same. This group feels superior to this group... that group doesn't want to see this one thrive. We're all stranded on this island called Earth, fighting over limited resources, refusing to work together... running amok and acting like fools. Between the police brutality happening in the US, terror attacks in Paris and Nigeria, and just overall steady stream of bullshit the world continues to crank out on a daily basis, it's easy to feel discouraged.
I found Selma to be a touching film and perfectly timed. The cast was stellar and it was nice to see this snapshot of American history and MLK Jr.'s life. If you have yet to see it, I'd suggest checking local listings in your area and making a date of it. This is a heavy movie, so our group opted for a matinee showing. I'd definitely recommend seeing this in the daytime.
Jan 5, 2015
What I learned in 2014
Looking over the list it feels extremely gratifying to know how much progress I've made. I'm already looking forward to sharing things for 2015!
Lesson 14: Fear of flying
Lesson 13: We all have off days
Lesson 12: The grass isn't always greener
Lesson 11: Life is short... or is it?
Lesson 10: Every saint has a past
Lesson 9: There's always time for a workout
Lesson 8: God will give you more than you can handle
Lesson 7: Just do it
Lesson 6: What you allow is what will continue
Lesson 5: It's okay to save money
Lesson 4: God loves a cheerful giver
Lesson 3: Agree to disagree
Lesson 2: Don't pick your blemishes
Lesson 1: Everyone doesn't want your opinion
Jan 2, 2015
New year, new you?

As I've previously blogged about, I decided to prioritize my mental, emotional and physical health. So, what does that mean? It meant recognizing the importance, setting goals, and most importantly taking action. I started seeing a therapist bi-weekly, working out at least 4-5 times a week, and being more accountable for the role I played in my life.
So far the progress I've made has been great! It can take a lot of work to get yourself to a place where you're ready to begin a journey, but once you're in the midst of your path, you look up and realize how much success you've already made.
This year I'm going to continue working out consistently, being sure to reevaluate my previous goals and make necessary tweaks that better reflect the progress I've made thus far. I'm also continuing my bi-weekly therapy appointments and doing the work necessary to be in an emotionally healthy place.
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and full 2015! Thank you for your continued support with my blog and friendship in real life.
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