As I've previously blogged about, I decided to prioritize my mental, emotional and physical health. So, what does that mean? It meant recognizing the importance, setting goals, and most importantly taking action. I started seeing a therapist bi-weekly, working out at least 4-5 times a week, and being more accountable for the role I played in my life.
So far the progress I've made has been great! It can take a lot of work to get yourself to a place where you're ready to begin a journey, but once you're in the midst of your path, you look up and realize how much success you've already made.
This year I'm going to continue working out consistently, being sure to reevaluate my previous goals and make necessary tweaks that better reflect the progress I've made thus far. I'm also continuing my bi-weekly therapy appointments and doing the work necessary to be in an emotionally healthy place.
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and full 2015! Thank you for your continued support with my blog and friendship in real life.