I'm watching the wedding special on E! for Khloe and Lamar and let me say that I find it so touching that they were able to have their love story documented. It wasn't this unrealistic walk in the park - - she has a brutally honest family and us viewers were able to see the ups and downs that come along with love at first sight and quickie marriages. Maybe because I'm in love right now, but it just seems like everywhere you turn people are moving forward with their lives and I'm loving it. One of my great friends is newly engaged, another is expecting twins, and I'm thrilled that we're all growing up and loving to the fullest. *sigh* life is just great... lol
Moving on... I'm still sitting here with my jaw ajar @ the size of Khloe's ring. I mean, she married a NBA player... a Laker at that so I'm not shocked that it's big... but DAMN!!!!
(sidebar: I had no clue who Lamar Odom was before he married Khloe. My mom still calls him "the guy that married Khloe" lol...)
Back to the ring - - it's 12.5 carats of breathtaking beauty!!! Words don't really do it any justice so I'll just let you all stare at the pics.