A minor rant:
Abortion, politics and religion are topics that people rarely change their stance on, therefore we end up debating for the sake of hearing our own voice or trying to prove a point. This is just my little rant.
Whether the result of rape, failed birth control or just not wanting to be a parent, I think that at the end of the day abortion is a woman's choice. I don't feel anyone has the authority to dictate what someone can and cannot do with their body. People have numerous reasons for having an abortion and the idea that a man can put into effect laws that govern how a woman can and cannot handle matters that are exclusive to her... it baffles me.
I think that people should invest money into sex education and parents should actually have conversations with their kids about sex instead of being delusional to the fact that their teens, younger and younger nowadays are spreading their legs and dropping their pants to experience something they may or may not be ready for. I feel everyone can do their part to educate those around them to not be in the unfortunate position of having to choose because it's not an easy choice... but I believe 100% in not bringing an unwanted child into the world. It's not the 1700s...we have options.