I walked into the office today and was getting myself situated when it hit me, the feeling under my armpits felt... off. You should've seen the look of horror on my face as I realized I'd forgotten to put deodorant on this morning. It's not something that I typically forget to do but it has happened before. (This must be the reason my mom always keeps some deodorant in her purse - - then again, she's a mom and usually has just about anything that you could require on her at any given time). After doing a quick "pit check" I was able to let out a sigh of relief that my morning trek to the train station and then to work hadn't tested the ability of my Secret to keep mine. I was able to go to CVS and grab a travel size and get my life back on track. Yay for armpit protection.
In the event that I experienced another morning slip up, I decided to keep the deodorant in my desk. That brought me to another topic - - the dreaded "junk drawer" at work. I started examining the many trinkets and random ish piled high in my drawer. Do other people have a junk drawer at work? Right now I have migraine medicine, oatmeal, individual coffee packets, benadryl, a sewing kit, sugar, many magazine clip outs from my Winter 08 vision board, business cards, a million random papers and trail mix. Geez! I need to really get my situation under control.