In addition to relaxing I've been back and forth at the dentist's office. 1 root canal, 1 crown, and 3 fillings later and I'm best friends with vicodin and soft food. Man, I didn't think fillings could be so unpleasant. Everyone, please visit your dentist regularly! I think that dental visits are all about preventative care. I feel lucky to have found 2 wonderful dentists in Arizona. If you're looking for a great general dentist:
Dr. Robert Clark
Four Peak Family Dentistry
3666 N. Miller Rd., Suite 109
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
and if you're in need of a root canal, I have a wonderful endodontist referral for you:
Dr. I. Robert Matloff
Associated Endodontists
1747 E. Morton Avenue, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ 85020
And I must thank my friends that have been making this vacation tons of fun....
(L-R) Me, Sami Jo, LaRicia, Kristin, Jessica, Kym and Reva
And of course my BFFs Jessica (above) and LaRicia (below)