Bad Girls Club (
Oxygen) - Let's see... the episode starts with the girls needing to come up on some cash so they head to a lingerie store where they're told they'll be picking their favorite outfit and then walking Hollywood Blvd. - - all to see who can generate the most business for the store. The winner will get $300! Kayla tries to buy her way into the winner's spot but thru hard rock Amber M. won fair and square. Later on, the girls do their usual MO of going out but this time to a black club. During the course of the night the Ambers are apparently choked out in the bathroom by a group of dykes and of course run back to their castmates and let them know what happened. Immediately Tiffany and Kayla go into "I wish a bitch would" mode. The girls all blow up, exchange their fair share of "bitches", "hoes", and "fuck yous" and end the night being kicked out of the club, shoved into their limo and ushered home.

Tiffany instantly feels bad because Marcus, the slightly wack guy she's been talking to, saw a different side of her (she was throwing up her chi-town C's while standing on top of the limo...yes, ON TOP OF THE LIMO and cursing all types of people out). Marcus tells her that he needs to take another call and that's the end of that. I must add that in the beginning of the show she called her boyfriend Skeet ( comment on that nickname) and asked what he was doing... his answer: "Rolling this blunt and cleaning my gat" (**CRICKETS**) I've never understood the appeal that hood ass guys like that have to some women. That answer alone screams hood ass operation to me.

What else - - Oh yeah, Kayla and Amber M. get into a fight in the car (Kayla thru the first punch, Amber instigated the fight) and ends up packing her bags and going home... not because she was told to go home, asked to go home, or even sat down and talked about the situation to the other girls. She left on her own and I was happy to see her exit. She's been extremely immature during the show and it'll be nice to see someone else that isn't as much of a pathetic train wreck fill her shoes..which brings me to the teaser we saw at the end of the episode... it looks like TANIESHA is back! What? I'm not sure if she's just visiting or if she comes bearing gifts (and by gifts I'm referring to so I'll stay tuned to next week's episode and fill everyone in!
Real Housewives of Orange County (Bravo) - I like Gretchen. I think that she's young, full of personality, beautiful and that intimidates most of the other women.

Tamra throws a dinner party at her house (after completing an etiquette course which was suggested to her by her husband) and her main goal is to get Gretchen wasted. According to Tamra she wants to get Gretchen "wasted. naked wasted." I think that this was definitely a way to sabotage Gretchen and get her to act a fool. Tamra's son Ryan (23yo) was all over Gretchen and who can blame him? But Gretchen, despite seeming extremely wasted managed to blurt out to Ryan that she couldn't hook up because she was "engaged to a really great man" and then we were hit with the "to be continued"... I don't think anything will happen between the two...but of course I'll be watching next week to see how the story plays out. On another note, I couldn't stop noticing Vicki's face the entire dinner. She was so out of her element and uncomfortable with Gretchen's drunken state.

I think the real issue is that Vicki isn't getting laid by her husband (Don - pictured left) and with Gretchen at the table (drunk and beautiful) all of the men were blushing and trying their best to not give her all of their attention. I'm "Team Gretchen" and want to see how her character develops on the show!