Apr 6, 2009

Friendship is Essential to the Soul - 4/17 Happy Hour

In a previous post I mentioned planning a happy hour for Friday 4/17. It's a way to bring together the wonderful female bloggers that consistently interact with one another on the net - - in a effort to put faces and names together, exchange great conversation, delicious food, and throw back some drinks! I've decided on a location and wanted to give the info to everyone:

Date: Friday 4/17/09
Location: Devon Seafood Grill - 39 E. Chicago Ave. (corner of Chicago Ave. and Wabash)
Time: After Work (530p - until)

*Please note that while Devon Seafood Grill has a Happy Hour from 4p to 7p and 9p to close, it is only available at the bar so that's where we'll be posted.

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