**After an angry phone call I decided to edit this post as to not embarrass anyone, which in turn slightly angered me. Edit my blogs for your ego? Wow... that's a whole other post in and of itself***
I came home from work and instantly went to turn the TV on. The Hills season premiere was going to be coming on and I needed to make sure my DVR was set up to record. I hit the "power" button and nothing. I pushed it again and still nothing. I pushed it a 3rd time... nothing. "What the hell?" I walked over to the kitchen and noticed that the time wasn't displaying on the microwave or stove. "Fuck..." I thought to myself... our power must be off. I went over to the circuit breaker and in vain tried to restart our power.
At first I was livid that we were without power. After my rage subsided a bit we pulled out the chess set, lit the candles and had a good night. It's amazing how you really can enjoy yourself and life won't stop without the use of all your favorite electronic items. I think I was most saddened by having to throw away all of my melting popsicles, but I rejoiced that I had not yet bought groceries.
So, today marks the end of another day and my return to an apt that is without any electricity. I feel like I'm living in the stone ages but the situation could be worse.