As I was walking down the shoe aisle a light shown down from heaven and I saw them. My heart stopped and for a moment it was just the shoes and I in that narrow aisle. I eagerly grabbed them off the shelf and clung to them like they were the reason for my sole existence. Once I slipped my foot into them it was like magic... these shoes were sending me on cloud 9. I'm not sure if it's acceptable to describe a shoe experience as "orgasmic" but that's exactly what it was. Watching my calf muscles flex as I walked around with the shoes on was exciting...I knew I had to have them ASAP.
Not only am I a sucker for the "little black dress" but I have a weakness for black, leather stilettos...or anything that compliments my legs. The plus side of being 5'2"? My legs may be short but they're so toned... even I like watching me walk. lol... I'm getting off track - - back to the shoes! Well, I ran to the "shoe mate" counter and eagerly anticipated receiving the mates to my killer find. The lady took about 5 mins searching for them but when she came back with the shoes I was elated.
I'm excited to start putting some miles on these shoes and wanted to share with everyone what I was so excited to find:
Martiny - Steven by Steve Madden

Sam Edelman - Lombard Booties

...and please notice the detailing on the heel and toe... a photo doesn't really do this shoe justice. The detailing and workmanship of the leather in the front is really what sold me. It's vented, similar to fish gills.

The next shoe on my "must have" list is this sexy, black suede, studded stiletto bootie by Steve Madden called "Revenu". This shoe is hot...
*and for my Chicago folks the Steve Madden store at Water Tower is having a ridiculous sale - - Buy 1 Get 1 90% OFF... talk about recession pricing!