During the past year I came to really love my hair and was thrilled at the fact that it really was possible to get back to my original texture. The downside? Natural hair takes lots of maintenance. It's not impossible, but it does take constant work and can be time consuming. (When I was relaxed I wasn't into doing my hair that much either lol) Anyways, all of that led me to jump on the bandwagon and get a SUMMER WEAVE!!!
I've had weaves before but never with all of my hair covered. I didn't want to worry about blending and run the risk of damaging my hair so I opted for a full weave. I looked at this as an investment and decided to get good hair. My stylist recommended Extensions-Plus and I got the Zig Zag Natural Body with the style 1 closure in 12 inches.
The end result? I'm really pleased with the way my weave came out. I'm still getting used to having all of my hair covered, but I don't think it looks like a wig plopped on my head lol. In the above pic I didn't have time to curl my hair before I went out (that's pretty much how the hair came out of the pack) but I'll be posting updates for how much wear I'm able to get out of this style.
If you're in the Phoenix area and looking for a salon please check out Apricot Lounge Salon. Kim and Vanessa are an incredible team and can solve all of your hair worries!