Know someone with an insane appetite and nothing to do this weekend? Check out Lobby's Beef.Burgers.Dogs as they host their 1st annual Man vs. Burger 1/2 price challenge.
If your stomach is up for it, 9 delicious patties squeezed between two tasty buns will be yours to devour... however, you must do it all within 10 minutes!
The winner of this 3lb burger challenge will get their picture on the wall of fame, a t-shirt and free meal. As a Chicago native, I can assure you that their Chicago-style hot dog and fries are the closest thing to Portillo's you can get out here.
It costs $10 to enter (usually $20) and takes place this Saturday (5/1/10) from 11am - 1pm. To sign up stop in anytime between now and Saturday and add your name to the list. Good luck!
Lobby's Beef.Burgers.Dogs
3141 S. McClintock Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85282
(located on the East side of the street by Basha's)