Aug 19, 2013

Recap: Seattle Hemp Fest 2013

Having just moved from Chicago, the sheer fact that Seattle hosted the Hemp Fest blew my mind. I didn't know what to expect, but knew it was something I should attend... I mean, anything for a blog post, right? lol...

Going into the fest I had minimal expectations. From what a co-worker had told me there would be edibles, pot (of course) and hippies. What I experienced were vibrant (though slightly hazy lol) personalities coming together in the name of marijuana education and celebration. There was marijuana floating around, along with edibles... but this wasn't like a huge smoke fest. Most people were in good spirits and relaxed... enjoying the sun, vendors selling their wares, speakers educating the crowds, and laid back musical vibes.

As my boyfriend and I walked through the festival grounds he commented that this fest could never make it in Chicago. I had to agree.... even at the Taste of Chicago it seems like you could get stabbed or shot when the sun starts to set. At the Hemp Fest I felt safe, only regretting my decision to wear sandals... I'd probably opt for closed toe shoes next year. Oh, and there was a tad bit of weirdness as I watched numerous people attending the fest with their kids. And not like teens, but babies. I saw a few pregnant women and families with children under the age of 4. That was VERY odd to me. Other than that, it was a good time.

Click here for more information on the Seattle Hemp Fest.

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