The 7,000 sq ft full exhibit will introduce attendees to the history and origin of diamonds & how they're mined, educate on the 4C's ever lady should know (color, clarity, cut and carat) and the newly added 5th C - Certification, as well as how they're used in today's technology.
The exhibit highlight is sure to be The Vault, which showcases close to 800 diamond pieces, including the breathtaking 128.54 carat Tiffany Diamond and the 407.48 carat Incomparable Diamond (the largest flawless diamond ever graded by the GIA and 3rd largest cut diamond ever recorded).
While the exhibit does require an additional ticket on top of the basic museum admission ($23 - Adults, $20 students), there is a discount for Chicago residents ($21 Adults, $19 students) ... not much but any money saved is money saved.
Every girl loves to dream and diamonds truly are forever, so hurry and get a taste of the glamorous life before it leaves.
The Tiffany Diamond

Milky Way necklace

The Incomparable Diamond
The Question Mark necklace