*originally posted on 5/15/08 on my myspace blog*
Despite being in their 100th season, I still find myself tuning in on Wednesday nights to see what drama Tyra has cooked up for the eager model hopefuls. Though half of them tend to have no potential, each season there is one that stands out. This cycle, for me, it was definitely Anya! From her first photo she was high fashion and leap and bounds ahead of the other girls. I just knew she was going to win. She had to. Nobody else came close to her in beautiful pictures, challenge wins, and actual model potential. Well, to my disappointment they announced Whitney - - the "plus size", cheesy robotic pageant smiling girl from the South. I am convinced that this show is a joke. There is no way to justify giving her the win. Anya was superior to her in every way imaginable...and the fact that Whitney actually won...I'm in total shock and disgust.
To me it goes slightly deeper than just the ANTM show, but the Tyra Banks' Bankable Productions corporation as a whole is quite suspect to me right now. Her Tyra Show talk show went from being a "must see" to a "who cares". She started strong but how many "don't lose your man" or "how old do I look" or celebrity interviews can you have? Does Jordan Sparks really bring in the high ratings? Heidi and Spencer? Give me a break....
After last night's huge let down, I'm officially letting go of Tyra in terms of providing entertaining tv. She is in the works to bring a new show to the CW network (Stylista) which is pegged to be an Apprentice meets the world of high fashion. We'll see if she can redeem herself.