May 21, 2010

Phoenix Fashion Week: Fashion Fwd 2010

Thursday night the beautiful people gathered once again for Phoenix Fashion Week's Fashion Forward "Sex and the City 2" themed fashion show. The models strutted their stuff in fashions provided by Macy's with the W Hotel Scottsdale providing a gorgeous backdrop. Unlike the previous fashion show PHXFW hosted, this one didn't feature up and coming designers. Macy's is a great store to find a few things here and there, but I've never been one to really shop there. That being said, the styling wasn't too bad, but there's only so much you can do with Macy's clothing.

The highlight of the show for me was watching the belly dancers mesmerize the crowd, as the show transitioned from sexy NYC to the sultry allure of Abu Dhabi. There's no form of dance that praises the female body better than belly dancing. It was refreshing to see women with curves working the runway. I may even look into taking a belly dancing class!

Hidden in the sea of typical models was this man that I affectionately started referring to as the "Juiced up Ken Doll". Peep him and his abs below. His body was quite intense but something about it seemed plastic - - too perfect almost.

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