Jul 23, 2011

Review: As I Am "Double Butter Cream"

I've been a busy bee over here cranking out my product reviews!!! I know it can seem a bit overwhelming to have so many hair posts coming out the same week, but these reviews were delayed as is, so please bear with me as I get them out :) Hopefully you're enjoying all of the wonderful feedback on the products I've tried.

On to the next one - - As I Am's Double Butter Cream!

This is a product that I was definitely on the fence about for the first few weeks I used it. I actually just became a huge fan of it the last 2-3 weeks when it dawned on me what consistent, amazing results it was giving me. As someone that loves the look of stretched out, fluffed out hair, my blow dryer is typically my best friend. I have no qualms about using my concentration nozzle and diffuser to create the looks I love... but the best thing about the As I Am Double Butter Cream was that it not only moisturized my hair, but it gave little to no shrinkage!!!

I was blown away that my twist-out was defined, stretched, and required just a bit of fluffing! Being able to skip an entire step is enough to make me buy this product again.

It's available on CurlMart.com for $15.50 which is rather steep for an 8oz jar... but we pay for the products that consistently give the results we like! I'm about 75% sure I'll be replacing this stuff. Also, Amazon has the 16 oz jar for under $30.

Check out my video for a full review (my hair was in a twist-out using the double butter cream!! )

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