Dec 8, 2017

My Spotify 2017 Wrapped

Remember back in the day when a standard ice-breaker type question was asking someone what type of music they liked? I'd always say "I like a bit of everything" and be met with a smug expression... Like, who really likes everything?

Well, looking at my Spotify 2017 Wrapped list, it confirms that I rocked out to 24 different genres of music this year... pretty dope to see. Also, I listened to 29,795 minutes of music!!! What in the entire hell. I don't know if this included podcasts, but wowzers... I sometimes struggle to find 30 or 60-mins here and there to do stuff, but clearly I have time.

It'd be interesting to take a look at the breakdown for the time given to each category of music and podcasts...  or even further, know what I was doing while consuming... but that might be my analytical side that loves metrics swooping in. I mean, I'm the same person who lives for my weekly FitBit metric wrap-up email.

If you're a fan of lists and metrics, check out your Spotify 2017 Wraped list and see what you actually consumed.

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