The catch? I'm not 16, 19, or even 24... I'm 27, nearly 2 years into my marriage, and almost certain that I'll have kids within the next 5 years. Breast reductions (which are usually accompanied with a lift) are not recommended for women that plan on nursing because the surgery can cause complications with the milk supply - - basically you don't have food for your kid. I'm not a parent, but it would do a huge psychological number on me not being able to connect with and nurture my child via breastfeeding. On top of that, doctors don't necessarily recommend reductions to women that plan on becoming pregnant because pregnancy changes your boobs and guess what... all that beautiful surgical work they do will change, even if slightly... and Lord knows once I get my dream rack I don't want to go back to the racks on racks (on racks...) that I have now.
Have any mothers had the breast reduction surgery and been able to breast feed without any problems? Did you experience issues with your newly constructed boobs post pregnancy? Has anyone else considered getting a breast reduction, but been nervous because they have yet to become a mother?