I'm one of those people that tend to over-tweeze due to stress, boredom, or even a spurt of ocd. Going into Spring I really want to ditch the look of battered brows and give myself a fresh start. It may require me to sit on my hands for the entire month, but I'm determined to put down my tweezers, hide them if need be, and leave my brows alone!! I've tried to do this a few times in the past and usually fall off the wagon after a week or so. It starts out innocent enough with me wanting to just pull out a few stray hairs, soon turning into all out warfare on my brows. As many of you know I'm participating in Moptop Maven's Healthy Hair in 2011 challenge... so I want to take this from the hair on my head, to the hair on my face lol. I'm not even sure how long it takes to grow out your brows, but you can't win a race you never enter. Let the below pic serve as my starting off point! Can only go up from here...