This season of Bad Girl's Club is shaping up to be more of the same... fighting, drinking, and immature antics. However, something is not right. While most of the cast is 21 and clueless, Bolingbrook native Charmaine "Char" Warren is 27, a graduate of Illinois State University and apparently left behind her corporate marketing job to join the season 6 cast in Hollywood.
On Monday night's episode some of the girls had invited guys over and when Char asked their age (21) she responded that they were babies. Ummm... hello! Everyone in that house is a baby. 27 is damn near geriatric by "Bad Girl" standards and I've been trying to wrap my mind around what makes a GROWN woman walk away from a steady job (in a recession) to be a "bad girl" in LA?
It could be that she always wanted to make her way into TV and hosting parties... There's never a shortage of chicks hoping to ride the "Natalie Nunn" train all the way to the bank. To her credit she does have a degree backing her, so if (and when) her 15 mins are over she can hopefully go back to her 9-5 (if someone is hiring)... but 27 doesn't leave too much time to recover from making a fool out of yourself on national TV.
I'm 26 and the majority of my friends are hitting 27 this year, so the idea of ANY of us going on this show at this point in our lives is a joke. I can't even give a hypothetical for how I'd react to news that someone I knew was on this show because the truth is I don't have any friends that would ever go on this show at our age. Actually, I don't even have the types of friends that call themselves "bad bitches" lol...
For those that watch the Bad Girl's Club, do you think 27 is too old?