I opted for Set #620 which included 15 brushes and a case. The set usually sells for $43.99 but with the promotional code I got this for an amazing $29.99 (including taxes and shipping). That's one sweet deal.
I'm in makeup brush heaven right now but slightly overwhelmed. While I love makeup, by no means am I pro so I have no clue how to use all of these brushes.
All of the reviews I've seen on these brushes are pretty good and most people compare them to MAC. Since I will only be using these for fun, I don't have any need to get professional type of mileage out of them. Having a collection like this for under $30 is mind blowing.
I'll be playing around with them asap and doing a little research to learn how to use the ones I'm clueless about (i.e. Lash Fan brush).
What's your makeup brush collection like?