Most naturals know that shampoo can wreak havoc on your curls. While you still want to clean your hair/scalp, you don't want shampoos full of sulfates. Once I made the transition back to natural hair I found myself with tons of shampoo and nothing to do with it. I started brainstorming ideas on what to do with the bottles I had left over (I only use Moroccan Oil's Moisture Repair Shampoo which is sulfate-phosphate & paraben free) and I came up with some ideas you may be able to use too!

1. Bubble Baths - I love taking bubble baths and have found that nothing creates better suds than my Herbal Essences Hello Hydration shampoo. This stuff provides bubbles for days and a moisturizing feel to my long soaks.
2. Scarves - I've become better about washing my hair scarves out more often. I try to give them a good rinse at least once every 2 weeks and nothing cleans them out better than some shampoo.
3. My Dog - Just because I don't use the shampoo doesn't mean my dog Jazzy can't. I love lathering her up and giving her coat a treat.
What do you do with your old shampoo?