One of my favs, Kat Graham, posted this cute video breaking down the choreography for her latest song "Put Your Graffiti On Me". It's easy to follow, fun to do, and a cool way to change up your exercise routine. Bust a move around the house and give it a try.
Apr 18, 2012
Put Your Graffiti On Me
One of my friends so affectionately described me as a "wiggler" and it's very much the case. From the time I was little I could be found dancing around, some would even say "to the beat of my own drum." Cliche? Yes... but very true. I danced as a child (tap, ballet) and throughout high school and my first year of college. It's safe to say I have a soft spot for choreography.
One of my favs, Kat Graham, posted this cute video breaking down the choreography for her latest song "Put Your Graffiti On Me". It's easy to follow, fun to do, and a cool way to change up your exercise routine. Bust a move around the house and give it a try.
One of my favs, Kat Graham, posted this cute video breaking down the choreography for her latest song "Put Your Graffiti On Me". It's easy to follow, fun to do, and a cool way to change up your exercise routine. Bust a move around the house and give it a try.