"Featuring LeRoy Bell (The X Factor), this award-winning Broadway hit is finally taking the Seattle stage. Passing Strange is a young black musician’s odyssey of self-discovery, complete with sex, drugs, and above all, rock-and-roll. It’s a musical, but don’t expect show tunes or sequins. Instead, this gritty, heartfelt show will shake the house—and your conceptions of manhood, race, and identity." - A Contemporary TheatreThe show is slated to run through 6/29 at the ACT Theatre in downtown Seattle (7th and Union). Tickets are $40 and can be purchased in person at the box office (Tues-Sun) or online (there's an additional service fee). Check out the trailer below!
Jun 11, 2014
Broadway Musical 'Passing Strange' comes to Seattle (via @ACTtheatre)
One of my favorite musicals has touched down in Seattle, and I'm thrilled to have scored tickets to a preview show this week.