Sep 6, 2013

Opinions are like buttholes...

I can't recall the year Salt N Pepa's "None of Your Business" came out, but I do remember casually telling my mother in a conversation that "opinions were like buttholes and everybody's got one." Yes, I was a very precocious child lol. Just to think that this was one of the raciest songs out during the time... oh, how things have changed.

Anyways, day 3 of Blogtember asked for us to "pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered."

As I type this there are a million things running through my mind. I'm full of unsolicited information and probably the walking epitome of someone that's never short of an opinion. True to that statement, the best advice that I've actually remembered throughout my 29 years of life is to remember that opinions are truly like buttholes and everybody's got one... including me.

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