Apr 19, 2017
Girlfriend Getaway Part 3:
A Drum Circle & Letting Go
The original plan was for us to see a psychic/spiritualist who analyzes your future based on your lipstick print, which admittedly would've been pretty dope. However, we ended up having a drum circle instead. My singing voice is trash, but I do believe in keeping my vibes aligned, so I tried to keep an open-mind and live in the moment. It also helped that the champagne was ever-flowing. Equipped with my BFF and all the adult juice I could want, I knew the experience would be one I could get through.
Marilyn Strong is the Spa Director at the Inn at Langley and guided us through our drum circle experience. We used drums, along with chanting, so try and get in tune with our inner selves. Or as Kat Williams used to say, our "star player".
We all started off super light-hearted and full of giggles, but once we went around the circle naming what we wanted to let go of, things took a more serious, intentional turn.
It was nice to connect with all of these women, all of us different, but realizing we shared a lot in common. There are some universal things women from all backgrounds can relate to, and I found it refreshing to share this moment with all of the ladies. We also got to light a flame to really cool paper that floated into the air as is burned. I wish I could remember the name... that's something I wanted to use in the future with my own set of girlfriends.
Click here for Part 1
Click here for Part 2
Click here for Part 4