Apr 19, 2019

Just The Tip Podcast: Episode 8 - My Neighbor Towed My Car, Game of Thrones is Back, Beyoncé Took All of our Edges and Mike Discusses Workplace Love Languages

Y'all this week has been a doozy! I came home to find my car had been stolen TOWED BY MY NEIGHBOR (down the street) because I parked within 5 feet of their driveway. Yes, that's a real thing! I just learned that in the city of Seattle you can't park within 5 feet of someone's driveway (or a curb). Like, this applies to ALL driveways and curbs even when there isn't any paint calling out any restrictions. In a city of mainly transplants, how the eff is anyone supposed to just know that!!

While the police don't normally ticket for this type of thing... especially in this crowded ass city... if a neighbor calls in a complaint then they will issue a violation. Basically, Petty with a capital P. So, yeah... $272 later, I have my car back, a court date, and advice from the Circuit Court of Seattle that I should "also call and get my neighbor's car towed" - which nearly makes my head spin!

What else - Game of Thrones is back, so we bit the bullet and added it back to Hulu. Anyone else feel pained adding HBO for an extra $14.99/mo? Just us? Oh, okay lol...

We also pose the question: How do you tell your upstairs neighbor that you don't appreciate being woken up at 3a by the loud sounds of them getting their back blown out... without sounding like a hater? Like, sis... I'm all for you catching an Orgasm, but like, 3am really? Oh - this is also the neighbor I thought died... so yeah, should I just continually catch this L? Should I wear ear plugs? Should I bang on the ceiling? I need your suggestions!

Do you know your workplace love language? Mike is reading a book for work and breaks down how to show your co-workers you appreciate them.

If you're a fan of Game of Thrones, checkout the sickening nail art set my bae Peka did by clicking here

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