Jan 7, 2019

Peka Grayson is still the best nail artist in Seattle

I first sang the praises of my nail artist and friend, Peka Grayson, back in January 2017 hailing her the best nail artist in Seattle. 2 years later and I'm so excited to see her getting recognized for the exceptional work she does - she was recently featured on King 5 Evening! Icing on the cake? I got to be in the studio with her as a hand model! Check out the video and full post on their site. Kudos to Elle Meny at King 5 Evening for covering the story!

Peka has been my nail artist since 2016 and is someone whose talent I continue to scream about from the rooftops! She's currently accepting new clients (which is rare), so be sure to check out her IG page (@ImpekableNails) for more information.

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