You know that moment you get put onto an insanely dope product and start thinking about what a sham your life was before the discovery? That's how I feel about Raw Apothecary's Raw Shea Butter. It's life changing.
For years I went to my local beauty supply to buy what I thought was "good" shea butter, but I was basically buying crap. The butter would be really hard, sometimes have a lingering scent that was hard to identify, terrible packaging, the list goes on and on.
Then my best friend put me on to the magic that is Raw Apothecary. Y'all... this is hands down the BEST Shea Butter you can buy online right now, and in all honesty, the best shea butter I've ever used... ever.
It's made of out rainbows, sunshine, and unicorn tears. It's like crumbly, shea flakes on my skin... moisturizing my situation and helping to preserve my life force. I can't imagine what my life was like before this stuff, and I'm glad I'll never have to.
If you visit the Raw Apothecary website, it'll send you to their Amazon page to buy the product. I currently have Amazon Prime, so that 2-day shipping is a dream! Also, you get 1 pound/16 oz of shea butter for $11.95! Such a sweet deal.
I use this shea butter daily for my entire body (and sometimes hair) and may be considered a heavy-handed user. A pound of product lasted be about 2 months. I have absolutely NO complaints. They currently have 5 stars on Amazon with nearly 500 reviews. This product is the only shea butter you should buy.
Tip: I take the portion of shea butter I want to use out of the package they ship in and move it to a plastic container. This makes it easier to work with a smaller amount and ensure the remainder of shea butter not being used stays fresh.