A while back I posted about no longer being moved by Thick Necks and making the transition to beard season... well, that's not entirely the case anymore.
Yes, I still go hard for beards and #BeardSeason, but I'll go ahead and blame @SexyAndTheChi for reigniting my love affair with Thick Necks - - primarily island thick necks!
My God. They make me salivate. I was listening to Drake, googling pictures, fucking LOST in my feelings. I'll venture to say island men (primarily Samoan looking dudes) are the freaking prototype for thick necks everywhere.
Of course Samoan men don't come in size small or medium... they're damn near all XL at the very least. It can, however, be rolling dice as to whether or not they'll ride the fine line between being good thick or break the scale at obese / large and in charge. Either way, I probably wouldn't kick a Samoan dream boat out of my bed. I'm keeping it 100... the bigger the better, as long as his heart isn't about to stop. I mean, let's be able to do adventurous things.
Anyways, I've been updating my Pinterest Thick Neck Board with island eye candy and wanted to share a pics of the men sending me into a tizzy!