As I opened my box of Cheerios the last thing I expected was the site of a little plastic bag. What's that? Could it be? A prize! I got some little character named Maurice from the movie Madagascar 2 (which I haven't seen...I don't care for new school disney/pixar/etc types of films...I'm loyal to the old school movies like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty...even The Lion King was a bit too new for me. lol...) Anyways, this little treat got me taking a trip down memory lane and reminiscing on some other things I miss:
1. Before there was the internet, cell phones, and Wii...actually getting out and doing real activities...knowing the kids on your block, your neighborhood...just being social and active.
2. Hearing the melodic sounds of the ice cream truck and running to scrape together $1 in change...
3. Not being responsible for any bills...the biggest thing on my mind was how many cds and magazine subscriptions I could sign up for and receive before they sent a bill...of course which would never get paid. lol...oh, the naivety of being a child.
4. Reading my mother's handwriting and thinking that cursive looked like some foreign script! lol...
5. Having the highlight of my week be taking $20 to White Hen Pantry and losing my mind buying candy...though I could probably do the same now and still have just as much fun.
6. Walking around my neighborhood at 10yo and not having a care in the world...feeling safe, protected and happy!
7. Thinking that 18 was old and 24 was ancient! lol...I couldn't imagine anyone being 30! lol...
8. Ordering happy meals just for the toy...and having someone else foot the bill!