Sep 18, 2017
Let's Talk About Therapy...
I'll never forget the day -- sitting in my car, the parking lot of Metropolitan Market in Queen Anne, crying on the phone having ANOTHER f*cking breakdown... that's when my mom said I needed to "speak to a professional" because my daily phone calls had turned into a "downer" and she sometimes didn't want to answer the phone. My mom has loved me through all my phases in life, but when it became a drain on her life force, she set up a very gentle boundary and encouraged me to seek the next step in self-care. I've now been in therapy for a little over 3 years and it's still one of the best decisions and financial investments I've made.
Hoping to encourage at least one person to speak with a professional therapist and take a proactive step in their self-care. You don't have to be "crazy" or have your life falling apart to seek a therapist, though if your shit is a hot mess you should run (not walk) to one. Therapy goes beyond the notion of "praying your way" through things (which many of us have been told), and is a vital step in loving yourself, acknowledging your past, PROCESSING AND HEALING AND LETTING GO, forgiveness, gaining new tools to conquer each day, having a healthier relationship with yourself and those around you, taking ownership of your shit and DOING BETTER AS YOU KNOW BETTER... it's just the best thing you can do.
It can be expensive, but there are so many options out there. Also know that some therapists offer a sliding scale, do pay what you can, or have referrals to someone who is qualified and in your price range. Therapy isn't convenient and will be a sacrifice for many -- but know that it's a SOLID investment and worth every single coin you'll spend.
If you feel comfortable, please share your experiences with therapy in the comments and feel free to share this post/link with your friends.
A quote I like:
"If you don't deal with your shit now... your shit will deal with you later."