Okay... so I'm so fucking thrilled that The Walking Dead is back on! I seriously can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as the episode is about to start!!!!
Thoughts while watching the show:
1. Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) is such a bad ass... Wait, who the fuck is Neegan? Like, how do people have folks "working" for them? They're like in the zombie apocalypse and actually have minions lol.
2. Oh shit... these dudes wanna follow them back? They're gonna lead them straight to the zombie horde. Ding Dong Hell's Bells? Shit...
3. Holy shit. I thought he was about to kill them... wait, what the fuck? They all just blew up like that? What in the entire fucking hell? Holy shit... Daryl just did that. wait... what the fuck... jaw is dropped!!!! Holy shit. That scene was nuts. I'm shaking!
4. I can't believe they have to walk around with all these zombies. Shit. I wonder if that little boy is going to mess it all up.
5. I bet this is some hell of a reality check for these people who have been living behind the walls. Ugh. That little boy is still creepy as hell to me.
6. Did Sam finally grow a pair during the mid seasons break? -_- Look at him trying to be a clutch kid in the 11th hour.
7. There are so many zombies.
8. Morgan is failing miserably. They need to get him together right quick. He's full of shit.
9. "Faith without works is dead..." <--- they spoke about this verse a lot in my church growing up.
10. Here we have the teen chick having another moment lol.
11. Glenn could be a motivational speaker.
12. Denise is about to do something big. I can feel it!
13. Shit... that looks crazy when it's dark out. They're still walking around in the same area? I feel like they should be a whole HELL of a lot farther than they are.
14. That little boy Sam is about to have a fucking break down. Here we go. I'm a piece of shit because I'd let his little ass go! lol...
15. They're already talking too much. HOLY FUCKING SHIT... THEY JUST ATE THAT LITTLE BOY!!!!!!
16. Holy Shit... they got her too!!! What in the hell. Fuck. There goes Rick's bae. Dang.
17. Come on Rick...
18. What the fuck... now this kid too!!!! Michonne is about that life. Where'd he shoot? Holy shit... did Carl just die? What in the theeeeee entireeeeee fuckkkkkking shit!!!!
19. Was that just a dream sequence? Did they really juts do this? Are they for real? Is this real life? What the fuck? Holy fucking shit....
20. Wow. The producers are really pulling out all the stops!! Shit. I can't believe that last sequence. Dang.
21. Carol is always on her own shit. Something is about to happen.
22. This is a really stressful ass day. Why is Morgan coming after her? I hope they can put aside their differences and work together.
23. I hope Carol doesn't turn around and shoot Morgan.
24. Oh shit. Wait... Dr. Dre has braids!!! He's still there?
25. Okay, she's in real doctor mode now! I'm glad she's getting her life together.
26. I don't even understand Carl's wound? Did the bullet graze his eye?
27. No Rick!!!! Don't do it.... Lord.
28. He's on one. Clearly they won't kill Rick on the series... but he needs to get his shit together.
29. Michonne is gonna rip him a new one when they get back in the house. He's risking everyone's life.
30. Where are they going? And where did these other people come from? I didn't realize they were all split up so much.
31. Morgan and these fucking "I'm Sorry"... like, dude... just do the shit.
32. Maggie and Glenn!!!! I hope nothing happen to Glenn. They're knocking people out this episode. I'm unable deal. they're not about to kill Glenn. I can't handle this episode.
33. This episode was worth the wait. My God... it's amazing.
34. There are so many walkers! Sheesh!!!
35. These walkers are so fucking simple! Like, shiny ball syndrome to the next level.
36. Everyone is kicking ass this episode.
37. They murked all those walkers. Dang... look at team work making the dream work!
28. Yeah. I knew Carl would still be alive. The slow finger grab is a bit cliche, but I get it lol... he's alive. He can hear his dad.